
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone, 

Im new using Grasshopper and i was trying to to do a voronoi pattern into a curve surface. While i was doing it, i wasn't able to offset the pattern to then extrude it and make my structure. The edges cannot intersect eachother and the offset failed. I don't know why.

Here is the definition, i hope you guys can help me. 

Thank you

Views: 1376


Replies to This Discussion

Offset is purely a 2D operation. If your curve is not planar, Rhino will break it apart into pieces which are planar and then offset each one individually. There's an Offset On Surface component as well as a Loose Offset component that may do what you need.


David Rutten

Thank you,

The Loose offset seems to work, but now i cannot cap the holes.
Is there a problem with the new intersections? 

The component says the Algorithm Failed to return as a result. 

Any Ideas? 

in cap holes component description you can see ''cap all planar holes in a brep''.

are these holes planar? cant tell from screenshot for sure, but they don't seem to.

They are not, the cap hole component does not work..

Here is the definition 


as ng5 said, use patch for these case.





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