
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi people!

I have recently tried out the VSC found here in the forum but I seem to have a couple of problems when using the simulation.

1. I seem to get some wierd stripes on the Surface, does anybody know why this appears? Why does it pick certain Surfaces to analyze while some become blank or totally red?

2. I get a scale indicator for each Surface? Any solution for getting only one for all?

Thanks for the help!

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Hi again people!

The issues are solved.

1. Honeybee-Ladybug (VSC) can not handle multiple Surfaces on top of each other and if this is the case the error of the sumilation will appear. Seperate the surfaces which you want to analyze and organize the sorrounding brep Components. 

2. I was a bit sloppy, but you can easily change the parameter scale in the output of the recolor mesh Component.






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