
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Using RhinoCommon SDK methods and properties in Grasshopper C# component


I think my question is pretty basic but I couldn't find a solution for it online so I am hoping I can get some help from experts.

I am trying to create a C# component in Grasshopper that takes mesh(es) and outputs their vertices (most likely their coordinates). The closest thing I found in RhinoCommon was MeshVertexList.ShowAll Method (which I suppose it just shows the vertices not getting their coordinates). Anyway I used it in my code but each time  I receive an error and it is mostly this one:

"Error (CS1061): 'System.Collections.Generic.List<Rhino.Geometry.Mesh>' does not contain a definition for 'Vertices' and no extension method 'Vertices' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<Rhino.Geometry.Mesh>' could be found"

I have 2 questions:

1) What's the best way for coding something that takes some meshes and return their vertices

2) Why do I receive this error or similar errors each time I use a method or property from RhinoCommon and what should I do to fix it?

Thank you in advance for your help! 

Views: 1129

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You want code that takes some meshes and returns all of their vertices as a single list, or as separate lists? Or do you want code which takes a single mesh and returns its vertices as a single list of points?

Hi David,

Thank you for your answer. I was looking for a code that takes some meshes and returns all of their vertices in separate lists. 

private void RunScript(List<Mesh> M, ref object V)
  DataTree<Point3d> vertices = new DataTree<Point3d>();
  for (int i = 0; i < M.Count; i++)
    vertices.AddRange(M[i].Vertices.ToPoint3dArray(), new GH_Path(i));
  V = vertices;

Thank you very much David. It works nicely! 

Is there any Reference or Library for C# grasshopper methods, properties, etc. that you can guide me to? because I tried to use RhinoCommon but it seems to be some problem there, or is there a way that I can fix errors such that I mentioned above?

The Grasshopper dev docs can be downloaded via the Grasshopper help menu. The RhinoCommon documentation is available online:

But it's mostly just the comments from the source code. Ideally the autocompletion in a code editor would help you out the most, but the editor we use in Grasshopper is really bad at providing good intellisense/completion.

Thanks a lot for the answers and your help! 






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