
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am fairly new to coding in GH and wanted to know the basic structure to pass a rhino command line in Python (unweld) and how to automatically select the default options for the command. 

Thanks, Dan 

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import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs


not sure this is what you mean but these people have courses in rhino.python

The issue with rhinoscipt library is that it does not have the "unweld" command to call - is there a different library to call to use "unweld"

You could use the RhinoCommon Unweld mesh method, see the attached file.


Thank You, that works perfect

Cool, glad it helped. If you ever do want to call a Rhino command you can use the rs.Command() function. This is not really something I would recommend though unless you absolutely have to (like say for importing files). It can be quite finicky constructing the string used as the argument..





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