
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Using Grasshopper to calculate the sum of two vectors?

I was wondering if Grasshopper can help me out with this physics problem I have - I need to sum two vectors - F1 and F2. But, these vectors have their anchor points, and their directions do not lie in the same plane.
If we would look at this as a simple mathematical problem, then we would simply translate one of these two vectors into the anchor point of another one (or some third point) and then by using the Pythagoras theorem we will get the resultant of summation F1 and F2.

But as this is a physics issue, I need some intermediate point (P3) between anchors points of P1 and P2, where the resultant will be located:

Any help on this issue?

I attached the .dxf file of the vectors.

Thank you.

Views: 4287


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It's strange though that everything is in british english except that tab title.

Consider it Anglified.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Can you post the screenshot of above file you attached, please?
I will reconstruct it according to it.

By far my greatest contribution to this software product.





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