
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Understanding the limits of and alternatives to Patch Surface

Dear community,

for funicular form-found meshes which are particularly "pointy" (span:height = 1:1) I am seemingly hitting the limits of the patch surface function. The attached file has two point clouds, one which can be patched and another slightly taller shape which no longer can be patched.

Am I missing a trick on the patch parameters? What are the limits of the patch function and how may I accommodate these for my problem?

Or perhaps there is an alternative approach to getting a smooth and accurate surface from such a point cloud? Given that the point cloud is from a form-found triangular mesh (from Kangaroo) there is no immediate U/V logic in the points. I was hoping to avoid having to generate lines and sweep functions.

Any help or ideas would, as ever, be greatly appreciated!


Views: 2839


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Greg, inspecting the RhinoCommon overload that exposes all controls might be a good starting point. Attached a quick implementation that might help with further troubleshooting (although I haven't a clue what all the input params do):



Edit: reducing the number of points seems to help btw...

Yes, so if anyone wanted to know...

reducing the number of points seems to help. See attached ... :)


Less is more!

Hehe, it really and truly is ;)






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