
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Two polygons connected by shape transformation

Hi everyone! I'm trying to generate a polygon, which side number is always equal to the double of the previous one.



-2 plans (P1) and (P2)

-Distance between plans = (H)

-Polygon1: on (P1) / side number n1= nx2^0 (if n=3; n0=3x1=3) / side length (L) / center axis on (H)

-Polygon2: on (P2) / side number n2= nx2^1 (of n=3; n1=3x2=6) / side length (L) / center axis on (H)

-Projection of (L) from (P1) to (P2) is made according:

*vertical axis on (H)

*a chosen angle (GAMMA) between axis on (H), and a vector [pointing the middle of (L) on (P1), from axis (H)]  >>  This is a constant for every shape of the first polygon.


Here is a GH file, with my start. To continue i find some difficulties about what option or icone to pick in and combine in GH.

I hope it could be makeable.

Thanks again,


Views: 679


Replies to This Discussion

I think thats what you want


That's great! Nice of you Thomas, thanks! The idea to make a polygon shape evolving according an other one, is what I had in mind!

I just noticed, that there is no parallelism (at least for one side) between polygone1 and polygone2.

I will try, thanks to your base, to work and think on how I could make this parallelism (by including a rotation or an option for alignment, at the end, maybe integrated as an additional data for the polygone we obtain). 

If you know how before me, I will be pleased to see it :)

Thanks again, that's really helpfull



there is no parallelism because you have two polygons that don't have the same amount of sides but you can probably minimise that problem.





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