
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Guys,

I am looking for a way of creating spaces based off numerous curves. So the blue lines are the input curves and they would offset in all directions, forming boundaries (black curves) with other neighboring blue curves. I guess it's more or less finding the in-between curves between all the curves, but i have no idea where to start. And how would this be possible in 3d? Thanks

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This is essentially voronoi but with polylines as seeds instead if points. Perhaps a good start is to create a dense grid, then for each point on the grid find the nearest polyline (Pull Point). Put all points that belong to different polylines in separate lists and you get an approximation of the volumes. Where to go from there though I'm not sure...

Thanks David, right I see where you are coming from. The bit I'm stuck on is that is there a way of generating the boundaries of the points in the separate lists? 





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