
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Trying to Add ATTRACTOR POINTS to scale VORONOI - Help required


I am pretty new to grasshopper. Somehow I have managed to come up with a definition that has allowed me to develop voronoi inside my brep. But the voronoi cells are very uniform. To break the uniformity i am trying to add some attractor points in such a way that the voronoi cells will be scaled down or scaled up while getting attractied to those points (points marked in red)....

Files and definition is attached, image shows my point locations as wel. Any help and guidance will be really helpful.


Views: 1223


Replies to This Discussion

One solution would be to :

1. Create lots of points

2. For each point find closest attractor.

3. Remap the distances from CP to 1-0 domain. (close to attractor means 1) 

4. Now for each point you have a number between 0 and 1.

5. Generate random number for each of the points.

So each point have 2 numbers - distance D (remapped to 0 to 1), and random R (0-1). 

X = D-R

If X is smaller than 0 then delete the point with cull pattern.

Should work.





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