
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


i was wondering if  u have a component that can make the attached effect to a photo 

best regards 

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So it's a triangulation based on contours in the image and then a hatching per triangle that mimics the greyscale value of the underlying image?

Sounds pretty tricky. Grasshopper by itself does not provide any image manipulation tools, but the FireFly plugin does. You may find a way to extract edges from bitmaps there.

Once you have the points on the edges though you can use the Image Sampler to measure greyscale. Note that this is a sampled approximation and not the real average greyscale value of an entire triangle:


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria


Chuck Close ? ;)

He's my favourite hyper-realist.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

thanks a million :) 

Once you have the points on the edges  

which edges you mean 

i mean at points should be the input should i make the image as vector 

I think for this to work well you need to place points at high contrast edges in the image. That way the triangles don't overlap both very dark and very light areas. However Grasshopper doesn't really have tools for this. I placed the points by hand in my example file.

If you have the edges as vectors then that might help. I'm not sure.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria





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