
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Thinking a new way of Designing a building layout

Hey all,

I'm a student in my final year of M.Architecture studies. I have a very good concept but I'm still a n00b in scripting and rhino.

Project: Designing a Performance art Centre ( School + Theater )
Site : University campus

I have a vision to use a Cellular Automata (Rabbit - Grasshopper) to generate a floor plan arrangement within a building design with a set of rules applied (i.e. dance stage in a theater must be accessible to a backstage). The main argument that I am trying to achieve in this project is: To have computer generate these different number of possibility floor plan or space relationship point (with each spatial has an information containing the degree of attraction to other space); which than later be filter by site limitation or restrain. In doing so, Architect can choose from number of filtered possible floor plan and made the best choice to further the development.   

Most of my tutor ask me to considered grasshopper as the main option, however I am concern I don't have much knowledge in How to do it. I am currently having trouble finding an example script along this line of research.

-Can someone please point me to a direction?

-Is there a better way than Cellular Automata?

-Can someone also please post me a GH that compatible with current Rabbit 2.0? because i kept receiving error with newest GH (v 0.6.0018)

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* update : Finally realized why I kept getting error on Rabbit - cos i used the "work in progress" GH ... FYI: If I reinstall the stable GH and everything work fine.. THank you






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