
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

 dont know how to use the "set "type of component?
is that my using these component not enough?
or how to use this type component?

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If don't use them perhaps you don't need them. The components in Sets are meant for the following broad categories:

  • 'List' -> perform actions on lists of data. Sorting, inserting items into lists, removing items from lists, splitting lists into multiple parts, merging multiple lists together etc. etc.
  • 'Sequence' -> generate sequences of values. Sometimes numeric, something textual. Also provides some sequence/list modifiers such as jitter (randomly shuffle the items in a list) and Cull.
  • 'Sets' -> perform operations on lists or sets of data. These components typically only work with simple data types (booleans, colours, integers, points) and not with more complex data (curves, meshes, breps). The set components actually operate on the values in a list because they know how to compare or equate these values. 
  • 'Text' -> Generate or modify text. 
  • 'Tree' -> Sort of like the 'List' category, except these components operate on entire data trees rather than individual lists.

thanks a lot.
easy understanding!!!






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