
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there!

I'm a beginner to Grasshopper and I am looking for some guidance as to how to model these kinds of fabric tent structures:

I heard you can use kangaroo?? but I am not fluent with it.......I've been using rhino membrane plugin, but I cannot achieve the round top profile....and it isn't very easy to control/preview the form.

I hope someone could help me out! Thank you! :)

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While you can use kangaroo for membrane relaxation, the project you link to doesn't look form-found. Aren't the shapes just skewed and cut cones?

Hi, thanks for a quick reply. Oh I thought it might be done via the membrane relaxation path....being a tent tensile structure. Would you say it's easier to just model it manually in this case? 

Also, I would like to also look into replicating a similar surface canopy like Frei Otto's Multihalle / Munich Stadium, can I use the membrane relaxation in this case? Would you perhaps have a definition example that I could use?


I'm not familiar with that MOS project, but it looks like there are some straight rods keeping it in a conical form, so it's not really a tensile structure in the usual sense, and yes - I think it would be better to model it geometrically, without form-finding.

The Munich olympic stadium though - now that is a great example of form-finding!

Here's a photo I took of it when I visited last year:

It's actually a cable net, so slightly different from a fabric structure where the tension is in the membrane itself, but many of the same principles apply.

I posted some basic tensile form-finding examples here that should help getting started:

You will also find other tutorials and examples if you search for things like "kangaroo mesh relaxation"

Mannheim on the other hand is a gridshell, with actively bent timber elements, which requires a different sort of form-finding. See here for some examples of this in Kangaroo:

and here's a gridshell built in Romania designed using these definitions:

(photo by Dragos Naicu)

see also

Wow! Thank you so much for all your help, it was very useful! I'll try them all out and see how it goes. Thanks again!





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