
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi folks.

Pretty new to Rhino and Grasshopper, so forgive me if this is an obvious one. I have generated a series of lines and divided them into equal length segments. As you are probably aware, this generates a series of points along each line. I now wish to generate a series of surfaces passing through the points, with the surface normal being tangent to the line at that point. I'm looking for a separate surface for each set of points, so the first surface should pass through the first point on each line, the second surface through the second point on each line, and so on... Is this possible?


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That looks great Brian! Thanks so much. It's bed time here, and I'm frazzled, but I'll have a go at this in the morning. I'll let you know how I get on.


Hey folks

sorry about the delay in getting back. Uni is getting busy just now. Anyway, here are a couple of pics of the final outcome. Ended up an amalgamation of all the solutions offered. The patches just using the bezierspans was flatter in the middle than I was looking for, so I also used a centre line. Rather than just use this to drag the layers up using points, the planes for the bezierspans are aligned with it so they can be used to produce another set of bezierspans between the normal lines and the centre line. The z-axes of the planes are then used to produce the bezierspans between the normal lines. It can also be used for a patch, or a series of edge surfaces which can be fused to breps.

The outcome was better than I had hoped, and the angle of the layers is just about spot on. Thanks everyone for your help. It's greatly appreciated.









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