
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Surface with constant area (based on points as parameters): Octopus/Galapagos optimization study

I'm trying to create a GH definition wherein a surface is defined by certain points and has a constant area.

I'll be using this for an optimization study in Honeybee. I've tried creating something but it's too computationally expensive and retarded for my own sake, just looking for a set of points that satisfies the area requirement (see python component) takes too long.

Any ideas on how to do this? I'm simply looking for a way to define a surface based on points (which would be controlled by Octopus then) wherein the area would always be constant.

Thanks in advance.

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I'm not sure I completely understood what you said. I guess setting 3 constants with one unknown should work but I don't think it'd would be flexible enough for the optimization I'm planning.

The idea is based on this:

(from here:

I guess he constrained the the x and y coordinates of some of the points, but I can't understand how he did it with those many points while maintaining a floor area of 4982 m2.

I agree, I think I should look for a different approach from what I'm doing but I'm new to GH and Python. I'm not sure I could come up with something given its complexity.

I'm off to sleep for now..





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