
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am trying to subdivide this surface that I lofted in Rhino so I can have a solid surface on top and as the surface progresses down to the bottom, I was hoping for more and more perforations. Any thoughts on how this could be done??


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maybe with an attractor curve for the holes part?

1. Project a guide curve (attractor) on lower side of the shape (you can do this in rhino).

2. Subdivide your surface on points, use closest point on curve between guide curve and points to find distances.

4. Cull points to attractor curve using distance (if max distance = x then cull-dispatch etc).

5. Using distances from cull points and some min/max values, create a formula to generate radius for spheres.

6. Create spheres on cull points and use your radius from formula.

7. split surface with spheres (flatten list).

8. sort resulting surface by area (sort synchronously).

9. reverse list of surfaces and list item the first element, that will be the surface with largest area and the surface that you want.



thanks Manuel, I will give it a try. Using a guide curve was something I was thinking about, but didn't know how to do it.






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