
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

subdivide a surface according to a gradient color.

I was wondering if it's possible to get subdivision points according to a gradient color.

Thank you;)

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Yes. It is possible.
Hi Benjamin! sorry I'm newbie, my goal is to divide a surface according to a gradient color.
Imagine that in the dark side we have 10cm squares, and than we start to distribute them to the white area, the squares are the same, only the distance between them varies : brighter zones = greater distances.
Could you give me some example to work on?
Thank you very much!
Gix3d, I think I know what you are trying to do, but I am not sure. Can you post a picture of what you want (just a sketch) and an attempt you have made? Have you played with the image mapper component?
Hi! Yes, I started with this example (attached image-"gradient pattern") and then I explored the "image mapper component", in order to achieve the gradient division, but with no success...
instead of the scale of the subject change, I want the square remains, and the distance between them change (attached image-"gradientDivision")
I still do not know very well how the "image sampler" works...

Thank you!





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