
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys.

I want to stack the cube objects to the curved, fluid surface

the stacking distance i want to keep it the same just like stacking box

so when i change the curved surface

the whole stacked box will change accordingly

The effect will be alike BIG's king street

i have tried this but failed to make it as a stacking box

how to make it like a stacking box instead of a extrusion?

Thanks a lot for your help!

i have attached the base rhino file. thanks again!

Views: 3711


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Hi Tom,

I think i have tried many methods in it and i just want to discuss how can i improve.Thank you for your care and it will be great if you can advice me. I have posted the script that i have tried. And please dont worry i wont plant trees. 

You might want to see "this".

Thank you Kim!

It is really helpful!


with the ability to change the angle 


Thank you Mohamed!!!!

really thank you for your great help.

But im trying to achieve something like this picture shows:

Each box is perfectly stacking on each other at a equal distance.

Your example each column of stacked box has various distance.

Do you know how can i fix it?

Thank you so much!

hey kingying,

i have to admit, i didn't look at the definition of Mohamed, but here is my solution for you. maybe this can help you to figure out your problem! in my case there is no option to rotate the cubes nicely, but maybe you can merge both definitions.




The option is already there

just reconnect the boxes into the flipped curves rather than the (shatter -list) 

I followed the image approach 

you can also change the size of the boxes

i got it!

thank so much Mohamed!

your help is greatly appreciated :' )






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