
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I seem to be having quite a bit of trouble with what I would imagine to be a very simple task. I have a lofted BREP (2 lofted floor plans to create an extrusion) I need to split up the 4 exterior surfaces into individual panels with their heights and widths predetermined. (I would like to do this without having to select each surface individually to work on, but the BREP as a whole). 

If I use the 'surface split' it will effect more than one surface (no good), if I solve any intersection with BREPs it only gives me curves as a result. In Rhino I simply select the object to split and select splitting objects and that's it, but I would really like to resolve this issue in gh if possible.

Intended Result:

Grasshopper preview:

Any suggestions would be great! Thanks

Views: 413


Replies to This Discussion

Tried a few other ideas and still no luck, I'm able to split the brep but i need the cutting obj, shape, crv etc. to only split the surface its actually intersecting with and not split anything in its infinite planar path.





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