
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Specifying area meters quared in a voronoi cell?

so i want to know if i have a 2d voronoi how can i specify the areas that i want in each cell( i wont be using too much cells as each building is considered a cell)

Views: 1885

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You can't. A voronoi diagram depends only on the position if the input points, you cannot also specify cell sizes. In order to get a specific cell size, you'll have to reposition the points. This will be nearly impossible by hand, as moving a point changes more than one area. You'll have to use a solver like galapagos to do this.

Can you upload a sketch of what you want to achieve?

Uploaded a file that shows how to modify points in X and Y using Galapagos to hit a target area for each cell.


thanks alot! okay i have like an auditorium for example and a ballroom i want to specify their areas so i'll write for example 2500 square meters in the yellow panel for the auditorium area and then 1200forballroom etc right?

Using Galapagos will have an approximation (with more time and better parameter setting, most closest they will be), but like manually, change a cell affect neighboring cells, so it is practically impossible the accuracy using Voronoi for that. But you can approach also using attraction and repulsion in points as the parameters for Galapagos.

By the way, how did you put the windows bar on the right side? : P

Hi Daniel.

I was just reading this thread, and in case you were still querying the task-bar location, right click the task-bar, properties and then there is a drop down menu for location on screen.


Hi David,

I am kinda new to Grasshopper. I really liked your solution to this discussion so I tried to use it in 3d as my school project. My project is due this Monday and I must have a mistake in it. Could you please take a look at my script? Is it even possible to solve it this way? Could you suggest me what should I look into?

Seems to me that it has a problem with larger areas...







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