
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone,

We are very curious to know how you are using the gHowl components.  Please let us know in this thread.

the gHowl team.

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hello michele,

i want to do the same, you did in your video, great stuff!

could you maybe help me and explane step by step how you did this? (not the surface thing, just the connection between iphone and grasshopper, controll a slider or xy coordinates)

im a litle bit lost. or do you have an example file? waht additional software do i need?

thank you so much!


Hi all!!


in order to explore gHowl and the UDP communications protocol I made some short connections test with Maya.


this is my first attempt:


nothing new anyway ..;)




Actually, I'd say its something new.  We were doing this before, but with A LOT more code!  What you present is super lightweight on the maya side, no OpenFrameworks or plugin compiling.  Can be applied to many situations.  I'd say its a great contribution.  Thanks for sharing!

Hi Tommaso,


Thank you for your work. It is awesome. I have run your script in Maya (using 80X40 2D fluid container with all default settings) and after a while it shows mistake messages as below:


# Error: (10040, 'Message too long')
# Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "<maya console>", line 1, in <module>
#   File "<maya console>", line 30, in MayaFluidtoGh




and the Grasshopper stops recieving data from Maya. I suspect it is because of the number of the fluid density is too long (for example:2.8370000080677382e-016) for sending out......and I have no idea how to fix it. Could you please help??


Thanks a lot!!!


MixerModeling: MIDI-controller -> vvvv -> UDP -> GH

Made using a predecessor of  gHowl ( in 2009.

Inspired by and many other ideas of the great GH forum.

OSC data from openFrameworks / openCV video tracking, through GHowl to Grasshopper. First steps with simple geometry interaction!

ofxOpenCV + Grasshopper from Caitlin Morris on Vimeo.

Caitlin! That's pretty cool.  Thank you for sharing.  Congrats on putting it all together.  Looking forward to what you come up with in the future.

Dear gHowl team,

Not sure if this is already in the works, but one possible improvement to the function of gHowl's XML parser would be to retain the tree structure of the input to 'P'. In the example above, an entry exists for all three countries in the World Bank's database, but San Marino's value is blank for this query. The list of values therefore gets shortened and the list length and indexes no longer correspond between country and value. Otherwise fantastic tool for API calls! Kudos!


Just started experimenting with gHowl today. Extremely powerful set of components! a lot to be explored.  


My first experiment.... gHowl, Touch OSC on android, grasshopper. 

I had posted this in the wrong place on the gHowl page! Found this thread







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