
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Setting heights with points and lines attractors

Hi guys,

I'm trying to extrude square surfaces, which have been divided of a long rectangular shape. There are numerous of these rectangular shapes on the model, which combined give you the shape of the parcel.
I would like to set arbitrarily some attractors which influence the height of extrusion. These attractors would be points and curves, and they would generate a maximum height on their position.

I've no problem for the point, except that they are generating a minimum instead of a maximum, but for the line I don't know how the element can influence all along its shape and not just with the point you set to build it.

As you will see in the .gh file, I've created an almost redundant loop 35 times, and I'm pretty sure you can simplify the script.

If you have any question, ask me

Thank you

Views: 1329


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I don't understand what you are trying to achieve, anyway, in my opinion,

you can simplify your definition in this way. Your referenced geometries were internalised.


Thank you so much,

In fact, I would like my model to look like this picture, with controlled extrusion, and also controlled empty spaces. Would it be possible to set lines and curves which generate maximum, and lines and curves which generate minimum

I've no idea how to proceed but optimally, there would be global controller, as it already exists, and local controller for lines of squares, you know, those which are in the bigger side of the shape.

Thank you :)



Do not bite off more than you can chew, take step by step process to your goal.

Get this as well and have some fun with it. You'll need "Meshedit" plug-in. Best.


In fact I've got two weeks to do it, it lacks time :)

I'm really thankful of your work. With this new file, I've correctly set the attractors points on their position, however I think there is a detail which is overriding in the final aesthetic of the shape.

As you can see on the picture, I think it would be finer if the wideness of extrusion was lower than the lengthiness. I hope it would be at least able to be parametrized.

Other thing, I've tried to include part of the ancient script, (with squares extruded), in order to set a curve (which represent a human path) who would cancel (or at least reduce) the attractor's point effect on her way, but it was a fail.

There are numerous of tools you used in the last file that you've sent that I've never heard about before. But this is a great method to learn.



Try adjust graphmapper's "x" domain.


I've got a new question about the same model, would it be possible to define certain angles on which the bars come hang. So, they would be tethered at 15 degrees, 30, 45, ... until 165.

Thank you





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