
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I need to find a way to seperate a list of meshes and breps mixed together into 2 lists. The reason is, that the MeshBrep component actually fails if it is supplied with meshes, because the input wants to first convert the meshes back to Breps.

I really think that MeshBrep should just ignore and pass through the meshes, but thats not going to happen any time soon, so I need to find a way to split the list.

What would be nice, would be some sort of data analyzer, where I can just feed it any data and it has an output for each data type. Or at least something similar to the Null Item component where I can feed it some data and it gives me boolean values to check against a given datatype.

Views: 779

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 You can do it using contains in an Expression component. If you want more than just one type just put "Mesh" &"Point " for example.  If you use the sift component instead of dispatch component it will replace the culled data with nulls, then use Combine to weave it back together.



Thank you Matt,

at first it looked like it would work, but for some reason it still doesn't. Could it be, because you have "Referenced" meshes and breps?


Aha, ok, found the error. It actually has to be connected to the panel or converted to text. Sorry.

Sorry, forgot to comment on that, and looking again at the screen capture i posted its hard to see what i have connected where. Glad it works now.






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