
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello I am trying to 'select' the lines of this model which are less than 3000 units long, find the end points, create a circcle on the end and then rotate these particular circles to 45 degrees.

I can use 'less than' but I cannot seem to draw the circles or rotate them on an axis.

Can someone help?

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Actually, is anyone able to write a rule where the length of the line affects the angle of rotation for all of them whereby the longest length is horizontal and as it gets shorter, the angle moves towards vertical?
If you are using the latest version of GH (v0.7xx) then you can use the ReMap component to assign the values for rotation.

Here I have taken taken the shortest length to be vertical 0.5*Pi radians and the longest to remain horizontal 0 radians.

here's an easy way to select lines whose length is within a certain range.

Hi Evan, could you please name the nodes you used? Sorry, I dont recognize the icons


Luiz Bueno

the attached definition should do selection trick (ghx0.70053), the dispatch component exports the indexes of curves longer and shorter and then you can use that to cull the list.
the rotation is based directly on the lenght x a multiplication factor but obviously you can add whateber equasion you like ...

Hey! This was really helpful. I got an image and in Firefly I processed it using the video filtering from the example files (Mainly the silhouette) turning the image in a bunch of curves.

The thing is that it generates tons of very little tiny lines where there's low information.

To remove these tiny lines I used your your file above. I changed it to serve my purpose, but wouldnt have done it without yours. THank you






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