
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

I have made a tower and I wanted to scale it to the top, I succeed in it but now I want a sort of a slider. Like in my rotate part, when I set the slider on zero, there is no rotation. But when I set the slider in the scale part on zero the base reduces. Did I do something wrong in my commands or can I add something to solve the problem?

I have added the rhino and grasshopper file. (I'm sorry it's not totally in English).

Thanks in advance 

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Hi Lien,

Just to make sure I understand, you want the base to scale down to nothing when you set the slider to zero?

I noticed that in your "Scaleren" group, you remap the slider to a domain (0.5 to 1.0) which limits the scaling down to minimum 0.5 of the original size. If you change this domain to (0.1 to 1.0) the slider has a more profound effect on scaling down the base.

I'm not even sure if this is what you want.

No it's not what I want, actually.
I want that when I set a slider on zero, the tower is straight, and when it is, say 100, the tower has a tip, like it is now.

you can use graph mapper for the x,y scale values. the linear graph sounds like what you are after.





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