
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

RhinoCAM ToolBaker - Baking RhinoCAM Tool Catalog to Named Layers

inspired by mitch's toolbar for evaluating manufactuability based on available cnc-milling tools, we created an admittedly very special purpose definition. 

the definition reads a .csv file (tool catalog) in which rhinocam stores the geometrical parameters of all tools. 

geometry for flat mills and ball mills will be generated and can be baked to individual layers named after  the tool's name.

maybe someone might find this useful. 
feel free to use and modify.
any feedback welcome,

best, frank

Views: 1671


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whoah, this sounds very helpful! can't wait to test it out, thanks for sharing!
here is an updated definition.
i only changed the file path so that it references an example file on C:\

just download the .csv and place it on C:\ to see what is supposed to happen...
Hey Frank,

I just tried it with my Tool Definitions saved out of RhinoCAM.

See the attached file with my CSV file and also and image of where I am getting the error in the definition.

You must be Frank in the MecSoft forum asking for MOPS to be able to assign to layers. I have a definition that I use to do planking on planar curves for machining, I tried outputing from grasshopper to rhino, and I have been using colors to assign MOPS to (so I just have to select one then use select similar colors).

Any ideas on why I'm getting this error?
hey ryles,

sorry i was offline for a while. yep you are right, that's me in the mecsoft forum.
i have a problem downloading the "desktop.rar" file. "access denied" with two browsers. would you mind trying to upload it again. maybe as zip... let's see if that helps.

best frank
Weird, I just tried to download the link and got the same error.

Let's try it again.
hey ryles,

i am not sure where you get the error, but can reproduce that the def is not working correctly with your catalog file.

1st: i would try to avoid spaces in file/path names.
2nd: using an additional string parameter between "file" and "vb_split" might help if you get the error in "vb_split".
3rd: there are some NULL values interpreted in "name" category. not sure why. first i thought because of slashes (/). but it turned out to be working in some cases with slashes in names...
4th: the def is set up to work with mm, so hard-coded values like the "end of flute groove" might have to be adjusted for proper proportions if using inches.

hope this helps,





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