
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello dear all, I've a question for you:

How can I reverse the situation on top(image1) to obtain the other one on down(image2 )?? P.S. The second immage is only an example it's a project by Eric Lay

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any suggestion??

Hi Giuseppe, 

Scale factor divide by distances, or you can use remap to reverse values.

Many thanks Yasser! This is exactly the result that I wanted!

I've tried to use these components but it does't work :(...

Can I know the intern B values that have you used for MIN and MAX??

Thanks in advant!

Min = maximum scale factor, 1 = no scale,

Max = minimum scale factor, 0.4 (or whatever you want)

If you want to keep used your definition before, why don't try to use remap,

here is an example how to do it :

Yes, I've just used remap and work so good! Thanks for the link






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