
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have an amount of valuesliders and want to define at once to all of them one specific value. For example set all on 0.

How can I do this?


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Try attaching them to a multiplication function with a single slider attached at the other end. You slide that master slider to 0 and the resultant would be 0 for all the individual slider results

Still you didn´t "reset" them, or give them a new (single) startvalue at once.

Yes, but the sliders have no input panel on their left side, so theoretically you cannot externally change the values of the sliders without actually changing them manually.

You can manually set all your sliders to 0 once and then save this state. In the Solution's Menu there is Save, Restore and Delete State functionality. Simple Tick anything you want to be remembered and then save. Any time you want to reset simple select the state from the restore menu.

Thank you Danny,

I see I still have a deficid even in basic softwarefunctionalities.

Of course the state saving is as useful and logical as some state savings in rhino.







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