
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

request: expand index list on Collision One|Many [ColOM]

Would be nice to have not just the first object, but all colliding in the index output. I assume the information is there already anyhow. Or is this a different method from intersection?

Views: 1363

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It's not there because I stop colliding as soon as I find a collision. I could of course keep on testing to generate this data, but it will slow down the component somewhat. Anyway, I'll put it on the list of things to do.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

HI David,

I have the same problem as Philp wrote in 2013. I also need to know all colliding object....Is there any progress on this? Or is there any workaround to solve this issue? Thanks for reply in advance.

An idea for extending the functionality, and the speed problem.

An input integer parameter which controls how many collision object is calculated from the first one. Zero would mean all.

In my situation, I would be happy with the first 10.

Not a bad idea, the problem is changing the behaviour of the component is a breaking change, but I suppose I can do what I normally do, replace it with a newer one while hiding (but keeping) the old one...

David, If you don't want to change the behavior why not introducing a new component like Collision Pro for example? :)

Note, you can still still use the method of intersection [Brep|Brep] in the meantime. Although it is terribly slow of course. Best, P

Thanks for the solution Philip, I will definitely try that. Can you please attach the gh file? Some icons I am not familiar with. Thanks a lot.

Sorry, already closed the file. Besides TreeItem you will find all other components in Sets-Tree.





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