
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey Everybody,

I am trying to replace the y coordinates from a series of points on a grid with a series of random values, but I am having difficulty in doing so and I am unsure of how to use the replace component.  Can anyone shed some light on what I am doing incorrectly?  I am unsure what item feeds the "S" input on the replace component.


Views: 2047


Replies to This Discussion

Don't use replace, use pointXYZ instead, it's more straightforward . Replace works on sets of numbers its a bit too much for this task..



Or if you want to stick with replace..


Awesome, thank you Marios and Peter!

Ok, my next hurdle is this:  I am trying to restrict line connections to planar points.  I have created an XY and YZ plane at each point in an attempt to find a way to connect plane centroids using the 3d proximity component, but I haven't had any luck.  Any suggestions?


can you sketch what you need to achieve? because i am not so sure that I understand..

My goal is to maintain an orthogonal grid in the front view, so in order to do so, I am trying to restrict connections between points to only those that occur in the same orthogonal plane.  Hopefully this helps to clarify my goal.  Here is a sketch:

The connections can be random, as long as they don't form non-90 degree angles in the front view.

Hey Thomas,

This is one way..



Hey Marios,

this is great!  Thanks so much for your help!





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