
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

I have 3 separate lists of points that I would like to use to construct a series of curves. Each list corresponds to either a start point, mid point or end. I am merging each list in the order I want them connected before inputting into the curve component; however, this results in each point being associated with its original ordering since I have not described a new order. The end curve is a mangled wreck. 

I would like to know if there is a way to order each list of points (more than 3 if I decide to add more interpolation points) so that each path contains only the specified number of points (3 in this case) and breaks/does not try to continue before forming another curve.

Thanks in advance for any help. 

Views: 787


Replies to This Discussion

It is a little hard to know with just this small definition snapshot. it is possible that all you need to do is graft the output of your "1", "2", and "3" before merging the lists together - but I'm just not clear on the data structure as you currently have it. If you can upload your definition (or just internalize the data you're working with) it will be easier to troubleshoot.

I figured it out, finally. Thank you for fielding the question. I just needed to graft the data so that each item was on a discrete branch (Param Viewer saved me). Just out of curiosity, are there any more components in grasshopper that are helpful for visualizing/organizing data like Param Viewer to be aware of?

Thanks again!

The basic 'Panel' is extremely helpful to me in matching data/tree patterns.

This is a tool I wrote and use all the time for visualizing/organizing data trees.  It consists of a pair of clusters, each with a slider attached.

The data tree ('Sample Data Tree') is connected to 'vTrE'.  The attached 'path' slider lets you choose which path of the tree to examine.

The path/list chosen with 'vTrE' is connected to 'vList'.  Its attached 'idx' slider lets you choose any item in the list.

Note that 'vList' is bright green, indicating it has been selected; when used this way with 'Display | Select Only Preview' enabled (meaning show only selected components), the item selected by 'vList' will be the only thing visible in the preview.

I have found this tool to be a huge help in literally seeing the content of data trees.



Thank you so much Joseph! This is a great tool.

My pleasure.  I forgot to mention that if you select the 'vTrE' cluster instead of the 'vList' cluster as shown, the preview will show the entire content of each branch as you move the 'path' slider instead of just one item in a list.

This tool was critical for me in figuring out how Grasshopper works and I still use it frequently.





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