
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Forum,

I need to delay my VB script for 'x' seconds, I guess I need the 'sleep' command for that.

The sleep command aperently works best when it is assigned to the correct thread, otherwise the entire computer sleeps (it seems). I gues I need the System.Threading.dll library for that.

I've downloaded the 'System.Threading.dll' from

When I import it into my script by 'Referenced Assemblies' funcition, but apperently by doing so my script also imports the 'System' and the 'System.Linq' A SECOND TIME (they have already been imported by default) and my VB script component turns red :(

What to do?

Looking forward to your help - Thorbjørn

PS: I've tried to use the Timer function but it also seems to make the entire computer sleep.

Views: 448

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Thorbjørn,

can you please tell me why you need to sleep for x seconds? Do you need other stuff to happen in the meantime? Do you need the the Rhino viewports to remain responsive?


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

I want the GH script to toggle an Arduino port to 'true' for etc. 2 seconds and then back to 'false'





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