
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi All,


I have a single DLL referenced into multiple scripting components (about 10-12 of them). The only problem is every time the file needs to be opened on another computer, the reference needs to be added to all the components again. I'm guessing that if I keep the absolutely path identical across computers, it should be the same -- but it's sometimes too cumbersome to create the entire directory structure again on another computer.


There's a few ways this could be solved, I'm unsure which one makes the most practical sense:


- Make the assembly paths relative instead of absolute? Maybe only optionally?


- Have a 'referenced assembly editor' for a gh definition: a single window to manage all assemblies that automatically get referenced into any new script components created. I know this needs to take care of copy-pasting components, etc. so that may make it fairly tricky to implement..


- Is there a way I could reference assemblies into a component through code, instead of going through a manual process? This would allow the most flexibility, where I could pick multiple DLLs, or make paths relative/absolute fairly easily.




Views: 666

Replies to This Discussion

"- Make the assembly paths relative instead of absolute? Maybe only optionally?"

This should probably happen by default. If a dll cannot be found in the absolute location, the relative resolver should kick in.

"- Have a 'referenced assembly editor' for a gh definition: a single window to manage all assemblies that automatically get referenced into any new script components created."

I like this a lot. Definitely sounds like a feature worth having.

"- Is there a way I could reference assemblies into a component through code, instead of going through a manual process?"

Sorry no, unless the reference is already loaded the code won't compile. The only way to do this would be to have a second function in a separate dll which aggregates the needed dlls, but this seems awfully complicated. Let's try the first two items first see where that leads us.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia






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