
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Ok Guys there has to be a way for me reduce this. Can anyone please help. Thanks

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Hi Azubike,

can you explain a bit more about the purpose of this file? It seems to divide surface fragments into closed breps, but there's a lot of complexity there. Perhaps a paper sketch with some important shapes and derivations?


David Rutten

I think I understand now what you're after and I've started rewriting the algorithm. There's still one big issue; I don't yet have a good way of culling the gap slivers (I'm culling by area now, but that's not working).

Also, it's pretty slow. I'm taking roughly the same approach as in the original file which involves a lot of splitting and area measurements. I've attached the file so far, it should work on all your shapes at once.


David Rutten


distance to referenced spline?

Thanks a lot for the response David... 


For this kind of stuff I usually use Dash Pattern, it helps culling the gaps...

In this case I think the gap is only running down the center of the panel. i.e. splitting it into two halves, rather than every other segment.






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