
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Randomize populate 2d points to extrude pattern

Hello All,

I have a cube form that is adjustable based on sliders.  One of the sliders subdivides the cube into even cells.  I have used the populate 2d command to create points on the outside of the box.  The problem is that they are not randomized like I would like.  I am kinda new to this so any help would be greatly appreciated.  I hope to create a voronoi pattern around the box based on the points once they are randomized.  I have attached my original file as well as a screenshot so you can see what I am working with.  Thanks!


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This one?


Thats perfect! The only thing I dont understand is why are the patterns extruded into the box?  I hoped to extrude them apart and then extrude them into the box to create a form that could be laser cut.  Im confused as to what the slider does and how to otherwise play with the form now.  Thanks for the help though, this is really taking shape!

so u probably need this... if I'm right, I tell u how it works..


That is exactly what I needed!  Thank you!  And if you have a chance please explain :)


Thank you so much, this is incredibly helpful!





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