
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi ! I have to create the polygon look like Swarovski covent, I tried use voronoi generate random polygon, but I have no idea create the random cap holes bevel.

and the voronoi just generate the lank side, cannot generate zigzag line.

any idea ? please

(PS: I use Rhino 5 + Grasshopper 9.0056)



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From the image they look like hexagons cut at an angle. I'm not sure if the angle is the same or changing so I made it slightly random.

Hi Vicente ! I appreciate your help very much. I have some question may be you can help.

Would you tell me the  "Range" component stepts formula?

Original image look like is random quadrangle and hexagon, could you tell me how to generate?


The formula is "N-1".

I'm not sure if some of them are quadrilateral.

Here's another view:

and a close-up (I think from another store):

A hexagonal prism cut at an angle might look in a picture like it has less than 6 sides or is irregular, and it would also be more difficult and costly to pack them and build the different shapes, but I could be wrong and they are different.

In my definition the cutting angle is always perpendicular to the storefront, but it looks like it slopes towards any direction.

Ok, I understood the fundamental principle.

I appreciate your helps!

Best thanks






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