
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys i need a serious help, anyone please help.

I want to do a radial waffle system

please find attach my files 

thanks in advance

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Can you provide a little bit more, I opened the file but there is no point referenced.

Please make a small sketch on how you want the waffle.

thanks for your help


Have a look at the attached. Best.


this is missing, what plug-in is this? 

It's not a plugin. Its  one of native GH(Sets-->Tree-->Clean Tree)

Thank you so much Kim you helped me one more time, thanks a lot, now about the nesting and fabrication for laser cut ?

I'd like to leave that to your part. Best.

yes i will, thanks a lot Kim for your help

Hi Kim,

Am apologize for bothering you once more, please find attach the definition and the .rh file for my attempt. I f you can help me to sort this out i will be more than thankful   


So, what are you supposed to do?

At this stage to boolean the intersection in order to put them together (fabrication) after the laser cut, i figured out how to nest them on the page but i cant boolean them in between them for the fabrication model

Now you have your rib profiles and planes.

Next step(unroll & labeling+laser cutting)is up to you. Best.






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