
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys

I have a problem which I have resolved in what I believe to be a pretty cumbersome way, and am interested to see if anyone can offer a better solution.

So I have several lists of points, stored in two-dimensional arrays, eg. [[a,b,c]]
These have been exported from another program, and when I put the data in a panel, I believe python interprets the whole list of values as a single string.

In order to resolve this, I used several string splits and replaces to isolate the actual data I am after in a usable means, and then convert it to float values, so that I can turn them into 3d points.

I'm thinking surely there must be a better solution here? (Definition attached below as well).

Thanks in advance

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You can use eval(). You also need to change the x to List Access. It's currently set to Item Access.


Ahh! I did not know about eval()!

The reason I used item access was because I figured that way I was able to maintain the branches of the original data, is this still possible?

The easiest solution is to graft the input. You need to update the code though. I have tested but this will probably work.

xyzs = eval(x)

a = (Point3d(*xyz) for xyz in xyzs)

Wow! Thanks man! Much appreciated!






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