
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey guys, new here so I apologise if this is the wrong place or wrong format, but I couldn't seem to find any other advice matching my enquiry.

I'm trying to prepare a file to be 3D-printed, but whenever I bake my output, every single edge is recognised as a "naked edge" in rhino.

The geometry I'm baking  is a BRep if that helps, but the surfaces are being created separately prior to that (and share edges). Is there something I'm missing which is creating the naked edges? Thanks.

Views: 937


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Luke,

the data layout in that final BREP parameter is somewhat weird. It contains branches of different lengths, which is typically not something you want.

In order to create a single brep, you'll have to join all those faces together, which means you first have to move them all into the same list. It seems you only want to collapse certain surfaces into individual lists rather than all of them as your final shape seems to consist of lots of individual elements.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Fast fix but not solving all issues.


Hey guys, thanks for the fast replies.

David, they were in different lists initially as we wanted to be able to modify parts of the surface without affecting the entire thing. Reading data from components like BREPs isn't something I've quite got my head around yet, so it didn't come naturally to me that something was off with it. That said, thanks for the advice on joining each of the surfaces. I figured this would need to happen, but getting them all in the same list was proving to be difficult... I'm still pretty new to grasshopper so I'm still trying to get my head around organising so many things at once (:

Systemiq, thanks for for fixing that up for me! I think that's probably too many concurrent functions for to have been able to figure out myself (like I said above, I'm still pretty new to grasshopper so multiple things happening at once is still pretty confusing), but after studying what you've done, I think I understand it. Thanks again!





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