
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

if you have any ideas/problems or questions just let us know ;)

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I'm running geco. Ecotect does the calculations. Everything is correct. Only problem is that the Calculations component in grasshopper states that ecotect is not running (even though it is). When I rewire everything from scratch it works but then if I want to do another calculation (based on the wiring that works) it brakes down again. Is it a bug ? I've tested everything and for a small geometry collection it works fine but when I add more objects to the list of meshes i'm importing it breaks. 


you just have to rewire(not disconnect) the ecosolcalc component.



I may be a bit behind on things, apologies if I am. Is there any component for running the acoustics analysis of ecotect with geco?


Hi Nick,

we didn't implemented acoustics but with the ecoLUA component you can access every command in ecotect and start your analysis.



I'm running geco. Ecotect does the calculations. Everything is correct but the Insolation Calculations component in grasshopper states that ecotect is not running (even though it is). I don t know how to fix this, because i copied from your tutorial and i supposed it was correct!!! 

can u help me? thx



just reconnect the D and E parameters(without disconnecting)

this could happen sometimes

sorry but i tried and still doesnt work

is it possible to make the solar access analysis in ecotect and then to export simply the results in gh? maybe this could word. 

i need to associate the values of each mesh analysis to their own color in a panel in gh

add instead of the link between D and E a Boolean and start it manually after export finished. otherwise send me your file.

This error was never reported.

i think it is working! thank u! but now i think i have to take a look at the lists in gh!


Been using geco+galapagos for optimizing urban planning displacement and it seems that if the solar access calculation is running for more than 5 minutes, the component in grasshopper doesn't read the values from ecotect. It just says taht it is not connected to the running instances of ecotect and asks if it is connected to ecotect at all. Like not plugging in ecotect to true. Rewiring the nods is not an option, even if it works, since it has to be automated...

Rhino 5, Gh 009.14. and the latest geco

I have an i5 core and 8gb ram memory and it is going very slowly, somehow. Is there a way to speed up the calculation up.

I put 50 sky subdivision and average daily values for total sunlight hours, throughout the year from 5 to 20 hours and it calculates in 250 seconds. Since this is below 5 mintes it imports the values into grasshopper. If i put 40 sky subdivision the time is increased multiple, almost 12 minutes, 720 seconds. Is there anything I'm missing. I had same speed calculations on a dual core and 4gb of ram and am really unaware of a problem. 

Thanks for any kind of response 






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