
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I am looking for a way to populate a surface (flat not doubly curved or anything) with a number of varied fixed sized panels. 

I would like the panel sizes to respond to several point attractors. 

I tried going at it with paneling tools but to no avail.

I was wondering if anyone knows of a definition or method of easily achieving this?


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Hmm ...

This is doable (with code) :

(a) either by attempting (not always successfully especially with attractors) to pack a collection of panels

(b) or via fractal "subdivisions" (ditto).

I'll post something soon (but carried over solely with C# - no component of any kind around).

I can't seen to write a script for this. Can you please post the script for this? would be of of great help to me.

Get this then. 

Note: it's a pure recursive (fractal) approach via code: no attractors are included.


Rotate: yes , other type: yes (triangles are very easy, mind).

Other than that - as an exercise - have some fun with this (a "bit" off-topic) thingy attached.

Future task for you: gradually replace all the pasta with C# (can you think a way to replace the facet dome component with code? [ A hint: for each point get the plane at the Normal and intersect with the neighbor points planes ... blah, blah]).


Moral: Long is the path (and hilly).

Nice Fractal Bauble! .....peter

Wait a minute: Did someone promised to stay away from freaky things?

he, he

I could not help myself, I'm consumed by the strong bold graphics and organizational layout of you GH files. However Architecturally I prefer the use of Microgramma Font....yikes!

Hmm ... chances are that you probably need the Mother Goose collection of defs ->  proper stuff -> ultra freaky things (and Maelstrom morphs).

The only problem is that these are working solely with sardines.

Moral: LOL





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