
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone,

I'm very new to GH, which means I'm not that good, and often I don't understand why Gh doesn't do what I want him to do.

Anyways, I'm here to ask you about Pop2D and Pop3D functions, in particular if is it possible to put in the R parameter of both functions inputs different from rectangles and boxes, for example circles (or other polygons) or spheres (or others), and if yes, how.

Thanks in advance.

Views: 1741

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You can't directly use shapes that are not rectangles or boxes with those two components. You can, however, use the bounding box of the final container shape, then use the "containment" or "inside" components to filter out the points that are placed outside the shape. You will be left with less points than the number you originally set on the populate component, though.


" often I don't understand why Gh doesn't do what I want him to do."

If you think of Gh as female, it might start to make sense.

 Vicente Soler

I couldn't find "containment" or "inside".  could you explain more please!







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