
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Points on curves with defined minimum distance between them.


I have a surface and I want to contstruct a curve on it but I want that it will have a specific max slope.

I made contours on the surface with a distance of 100 units between them. My thought is that I will define a start point on the first contour curve and then define a point on the second curve so that the distance between the points is at least 160 units. That will be repeated until I reach the last contour curve.

Do you have any suggestion how I could this?

I am beginner at grasshopper so show some leniency. :)

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Try posting a sketch of what you want and you might get some suggestions. 

The surface I work withThe contours I want to connect with lines at least 160 units long.

Starting point and how I want the lines to be.

Hope it helps you to understand my request a little better.

Hello Theotses,

I can think of two ways to do this but both require plugins and are a bit complicated:

1st is with kangaroo plugin (create a polyline going "straight" up and use springs force to adjust the segments' minimum length)


2nd is using Anemone (a loop plugin). This starts from a point on the first curve, draws a sphere with the desired length as radius, finds the intersection points between the sphere and the next curve, picks one of the 2 randomly and repeats the process from that point:

Hope this is clear enough...


Thank you so much niko!

The second way was what I was trying to do but without the loop component it was impossible!

Thank you again for your time and for sharing your definition. :)





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