
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I need found a perpendicular point on a curve by his closest point.

How can I do that??

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Pull Point Component?  Double left-click on canvas, type 'pull point'.

There is no way in Rhino4 to find perp-perp points between two curves. This requires the Rhino5 SDK. But note that even there, the actual points found are the closest ones, not necessarily perpendicular ones.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

I'm sorry but I'm not sure to understand.. so I can't find a point on the curve by his closest pt on the other curve? "The closest point reverse"..I don't know how to call it :D

someone can help me? :(

The attached file calls the Rhino5 function that computes the closest point pair between two curves. It will not work in Rhino4.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


Is it approximated or exact closest point pair ? (Exact as much as rhino document precision). Can I know what method is used to find this pair ?

It's probably approximated to within whatever accuracy is possible. Very, very few things are exact in nurbs programming. I have no idea what algorithm is used, I think Greg Arden wrote one from scratch.

If you use the TestCPCP command in Rhino you get to pick between two algorithms called DBrent and GSLib. Though I doubt that gets you much closer to an answer.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Its just my curiosity, thank you very much for an answer. 

Each time I find something related to "simple" geometry, I try to imagine how to do it myself - so it is this time.






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