
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Passing C# objects between components (specifically DataTables)

I'm attempting to build a small DataTable object to pass around between C# components, however when setting the output parameter to the DataTable object, GH reports that the output is "empty", even when wrapped in GH_ObjectWrapper (although perhaps I'm not getting that correctly?):

Where the code is:

    // Create list of Column Names:
    var dtColsNames = new List<string>();
    for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; i++){

    // Create a DataTable:
    DataTable dt = new DataTable();
    foreach (string colName in dtColsNames){
      dt.Columns.Add(colName, typeof(double));

    // Create a row in dt:
    DataRow row0 = dt.NewRow();
    for (int i = 0; i < dtColsNames.Count; i++){
      row0[i] = values[i];

    // For fun create a second row:
    DataRow row1;
    row1 = dt.NewRow();
    row1["A"] = 5.6;
    row1["B"] = 4.3;

    // Wrap the DataTable to pass out to another component:
    var dtWrapper = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_ObjectWrapper(dt);
    A = dtWrapper;

I would expect that at least the object would be passed out as a "System.Object"?

I'd prefer to keep this all within native C# components rather than build a library or custom components. Is this possible?

Thanks for any help!

Views: 765

Replies to This Discussion

When you use a Panel, the data gets converted to a string. Somehow the objectwrapper returns an empty string. However this doesn't tell us all that much, what we really need to know is whether when you plug that data into another C# component, are you able to recover the DataTable?






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