
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I' am new to gh so probably my problem has an easy solution for you.I want to panel a trimmed surface, but when i bake, the solution panels the surface in its untrimmed condition.I get that the problem is caused by the fact that the control points of the surface are still there and "confuse" gh, but i have no idea of how i can fix the problem. Any suggestions??

Thank you in advance,


P.S. I attach a screnshot which shows the problem and a screenshot of the definition

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need an answer to this too :(

The best way to deal with trimmed surfaces is to avoid creating one if you can help it.

Was the surface created in Rhino?  Maybe you can try to "shrink" the surface before feeding it into your logic?

Thank you for your help djordje, problem solved!





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