
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

i try to orient and align 44 surfaces (blades with notches) on xy .

When i use blades without notches it works (black).If i use the same blades but with notches, it does not work (red) ...

Can someone explain to me why the result is different and how to fix it?

P.S.  I obtain the blades with a radial cutting.

Thank’s in advance


Views: 3742


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Hi again Thierry,

Your internalized surfaces "BLADES With Notches" are not sorted like the "BLADES" (without notches)

Probably because the construction method used to achieve those blades was by cutting the shape with a plane, and thus you did get 2 blade at time, one from one side and one from the opposite side.

To sort them do like this:
Dispatch (with predefined pattern "P" 0 , 1) to get in list "A" even blades and in list "B" odd blades; merged the 2 lists together to have again the sorted list.

Watch out, this solution works only for this particular situation...

To "scout" inside your definition, to understand the order of a list containing geometries, do something like this:

You should always be aware of what your datas are, how sorted, the tree structure, ecc ecc...



Hello Ricardo,

you save me.I was completely blind...

Thank you very mush for your detailed explanations.

My object is ready for laser cutting  :)

I up the def if someone is interested.

Have a nice day








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