
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hallo everybody,

I'm new in Grasshopper, but since two days I think I'm to stupid for GH.

The basic-idea is to create a curve (InterpCrv) and rotate (arrayPolar < didn't find that function in GH) it with a variable number of elements around the Z-axis @360°.

At its best, I can choose the center (of the flowers), the number of petals an the radius where the petals will be placed. I think, therefore I must set a point on the curve (petal).


As you can see in the attached files, I can set the center (of the flower), the radius an the number of curves (petals) and their startpoint. So far, so good - but how can I orient the pedals to the center of the flowers?

Hope, someone can help me.

P.S.: Sorry for my bad english - I'm from germany. :)

Here are some Pictures/Files...


Best Regards

Views: 1177


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here you go. Two versions of how to orient the pedals.


Best Regards




You just need to think differently.



Now I'm really frustrated that I need two days, what others only need a few minutes :(


Thanks for your reply, but both versions didn't orient the curves (petals) to the y-axis (don't know how to describe it)

But the possibility to choose the "connection"-point on the curve (petal) via slider is great :)

@Danny Boyes

Thats close to that, what I need. The only "problem" is the changing orientation when moving the center of the circle.

Is it possible, that the orientation didn't change if I move the point (see picture)?

maybe like this?

I have to say very creative spamming. So I thought I'd share the post anyway without the link. But alas you must go :(






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