
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Trying to Understand Kangaroo and Making Tensile Surfaces

Hi -

I'm completely new to Grasshopper and trying to learn how to use the Kangaroo plug-in. I've been taking existing Grasshopper files and playing around with them to try and understand what happens when I change the input. I've been fiddling with draping meshes the past few days and I don't understand why the attached file won't translate and do what I want it to. Please take a look (hopefully you understand what I'm trying to do) if you have the time, help is very appreciated - I'm a student and need to learn really fast (Grasshopper is a required design component of the class I'm in this semester).

Thank you!


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I had a look at your file, and see some tensile surfaces being generated, but it's not clear to me what is the desired effect. Perhaps you can make a sketch?

Thanks for responding Daniel. Here's a quick sketch: 





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