
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Newbie After Loads of help, (Tower creation) please :-)

Hey guys, I'm trying to do a load of things in Rhino, and I want to know if I can do it in grasshopper, I've Started off with the following:

1) - Curve at each section of the tower (depending on where about in the levels there is on average 3 floors per segment). -(Each segment will have a Rib around it)

2) - From the Curves I used the "Divide array of curves" command from the Panelling tools plug-in and got my self a load of Points divided correctly to what I need my Diamond shape dimensions to be.

3) -  Then Used the Panelling tool to create my Diagrid which works OK, but not perfectly, it also doesn't let me offset the middle of each Diamond shape and remove the inside So I can then extrude the frame outwards...The far right component shows the end result, see how it miss's out a load of Diamonds.

So What I want to Do from using Grasshopper is using the Line work, I want to create the Diamond Shapes, we will call that Glass, THAT'S ONE DONE, 

I then Want GS to create me a separate component of that glass, offset it inwards by X amount, remove the inside of each Diamond, and extrude it all outwards to give it a thickness of my choosing, We will call that TRUSS WORK. - Can Anyone point me in the right direction?


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I guess my first step is to divide the line work up, Using the Divide, giving it a Slider for the amount of Points per Curve? Not sure how I get from that, to creating Diamond Shape Patterns?
Now I'm Thinking I need to divide every other Curve of points up so there's two distinct tree's of information (If that's the right way to describe it) - The thing I'm struggerling with now is, I guess I need to remove every other point out of both sets of trees with different steps (Like the atvtached Image)
I've now Managed to remove every other point on the Curves at different steps, I now "just" need to connect all the points with line work, but I've got no idea how to, can anyone help please?






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